Tuesday 29 October 2013

Just a reminder that Homework Books and Reading Logs are due tomorrow Wednesday, October 30th. Please be sure to send the red reading log folder in so that your child can get a sticker for meeting his/her reading goal along with the reading log sheet for October. 

Happy Halloween! The students are encouraged to wear orange and black on Thursday. 

Wishing you all a safe and happy trick-or-treating night on Thursday!

The Grade 1 Team  

Monday 14 October 2013

Math Update

The boys and girls have been working on showing a number from 1-10 in more than one way. They have been learning to show the number using a numeral, the word, drawing pictures to represent the number, writing a number sentence (e.g. 5+1= 6) and tally marks.
We have been working on using 5 and 10 frames to identify 5 and 10. Quantities up to 10 can be recognized without the routine of counting. This can help children in counting on. We will be working towards identifying number sentences that make up 10.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Blessings to all of you for a Happy Thanksgiving weekend. The students have been thanking God for all the wonderful things they have. We have sent home Thanksgiving poems to read if you wish this weekend.

The Grade 1 Team

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Settling Into Grade 1


Fall has arrived! The students have settled nicely into Grade 1. They did fantastic job completing their homework calendar. Thanks for all your help! 

Thank you to all the parents who made it out to Program Night. For those parents who were unable to make it please read the handouts that were sent home with your child a couple of weeks ago.

Read on! The students did a great job meeting their reading goals for the month of September. Please remember to send back the snuggle book that was sent home once your child has read it so they can exchange it for a new one. Also, please have your child return his/her red reading log folder to school at the end of each month with the log sheet so that he/she can put a sticker on the back of the folder if they meet their reading goal.

Raz Kids...The Grade 1 students have been signed up for Raz Kids, an online reading program that allows the students to read at their 'just right' reading level and move up once they're ready. Each student received a login card along with a brief note explaining how to use program. Raz Kids is an excellent reading site where students can enjoy reading and listening to books online. This program is to be used as part of their snuggle reading time. Your child may choose to read a book on Raz Kids one night and then the next night read a hard copy book. Please be sure to add these reading minutes to your child's reading log. Please note that many of the books on Raz Kids will also be books sent in the Snuggle Bags so they may read some of the books both online as well as in hard copy.   

Happy Reading! 
The Grade 1 Team