Thursday 30 January 2014

Thank You

The students had an awesome time skating today! Thanks again to all the parents and grandparents who were able to volunteer and help make our skating day a success.

The Grade 1 Team

Tuesday 28 January 2014


The Grade 1 classes are going skating this Thursday, January 30 from 9:00-10:00am at the Walter Baker. Please make sure your child brings a helmet and that his/her skates are in a sturdy bag to carry.

The Grade 1 Team

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes for 2014!

It’s Skating Time…The students will be going skating at the Walter Baker Arena three times this year. Please see the dates listed below. A reminder that all students must wear a helmet and skates must be carried in a sturdy bag. Parent Volunteers are asked to meet at the arena 15-20 minutes before our scheduled skate time to help tie skates. If you would like to walk with us to the arena please meet us at the school 30 minutes before our scheduled skate time. Thank youJ

P.D. Day – Fri., Jan. 17 – no school

Skating Dates:
Thurs., Jan. 30  9:00-10:00am
Thurs., Feb. 13  10:00-11:00am
Thurs., Mar. 6  9:00-10:00am

In Language we will be focusing on asking questions while reading and retelling stories. The students have been working on retelling the beginning, middle and end of the story using a Shape GO MAP to organize their thinking (see anchor charts link on the right hand side of the blog). Reading regularly with your child is key to his/her success in reading. Try to read for 10 minutes 4-5 nights a week and review Word Wall Words and read a book with your child. You can use the reading Fix-up strategies listed on the anchor chart link to help your child read unfamiliar words. In writing we will continue to work on descriptive writing as well as procedural writing. We will also be discussing the purpose and target audience in different forms of media.

In Math we will be learning about properties of geometric 2D shapes. Students will be looking at similarities and differences between them based on their attributes (number of sides and corners). Please continue to count with your child at home. Using the 100's chart, help your child to skip count by 2s and 5s. Recognizing random numbers on the 100's chart and finding certain dates the calendar is also something that can be practiced at home.

In Science the students will be wrapping up their science inquiry on seasonal changes and presenting their findings to the class. The students have been researching a season in small groups and recording facts about their specific season. Ask your child if they can tell you any interesting facts about their season.

In Music, the students will be working on identifying feelings evoked through music and understanding beat and rhythm.

Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education.

The Grade 1 Team