Tuesday 8 April 2014

Spring Update

Happy Spring!

The snow is finally melting and we are beginning to see signs of spring. April showers bring May flowers and lots of wet clothes… Please ensure your child has an extra pair of socks packed in his/her bag, splash pants are also encouraged on wet days.

Lenten Project 
Thank you for your generous donations to the Barrhaven Food Bank with our Lenten Spirit Days. This week is we are collecting non-perishable food items to fill the front foyer of the school. Students are invited to bring in food items any day this week.

Items Needed
We are in need of tissues, wipes and glue sticks. If possible please send in these items for the class. Thank you to those who have already sent some.

Good Friday – April 18th  – no school
Easter Monday – April 21st  – no school

In Language we will be focusing on recounting an event in writing (e.g., My Weekend). Our reading comprehension focus this month is on making inferences using pictures and words from the text. We will also be working on non-fiction features such as diagrams, labels and the table of contents.

In Mathematics we will be working on solving addition and subtraction problems. The students are encouraged to explain their thinking and answers using pictures, numbers or words. 

In Science continue to work on our living things inquiry. The students have come up with several questions about living things and are researching their questions in books and online.

In Drama the students will be learning to role play and tell stories.

The Grade 1 TeamJ

Monday 7 April 2014

Grade 1 Math

We are now working on solving word problems with numbers up to 20. 
Students will be applying addition or subtraction to solve a Math problem (POW-Problem of the Week). 
They will be encouraged to show how they arrived at their answer using numbers, pictures or words.
Please see samples to help your son or daughter arrive at their answer.