Tuesday 19 November 2013

November Update

Dear Parent/Guardians,

Thank you to all of you who were able to make it to interviews this month.

Head Lice…Please be advised that head lice continues to be present among the primary students. Please be sure to check your child daily for head lice to avoid spreading it further. Should your child have head lice please notify the office so that we can keep other parents informed. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.

Boomerang Lunches
A reminder that our school has started boomerang lunches again. Please do your best to put your child’s lunches in reusable or recyclable containers. Any wrappers or containers that cannot be recycled will be sent home. We are considered an Eco school and are doing our best to produce as little garbage as possible. Thank you for your support.

Snuggle Books
Please remember to read the leveled book that is sent home with your child. Once you have read the book a couple of times and your child is able to read it fluently send it back to exchange it. You can keep it for a few nights if needed. Should your child bring home a book that is not challenging enough you can focus on understanding the story. For example: What was the story about? Who were the characters? Was there a problem in the story? How was the problem solved? Where did the story take place? Is it fiction or non-fiction?

Raz Kids is an online reading program that supports our snuggle book reading program. The students can read books at their level as well as answer comprehension questions. If you have not used the program yet or have misplaced the website and your child’s student login please write a note in your child’s agenda and we can send it home again.

Curriculum Highlights for November

In Religion the students have been working on digital citizenship. Our Board has created an excellent resource called Samaritans on the Digital Road which highlights the importance of being respectful and responsible using technology through a Catholic perspective. 

In Language we have been focusing on descriptive writing. In reading, we continue to review the fix-up strategies to help us read new words (e.g., sounding out words, looking at pictures), we are also working on making connections to what we read and visualizing stories.

In Science we are working on our seasonal changes inquiry: How do daily and seasonal changes affect living things? Each student has selected a season they would like to research and have begun to find answers to their questions on seasons.

In Math we continue to work on telling time to the hour and half-hour. Please help your child with this concept as it is often difficult for them to grasp. Make a point of having them look at the clock during important times of the day (e.g., dinner time, bedtime, wake up time).

Thank you for your continued support in your child’s learning!

The Grade 1 Team J


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