Monday 10 February 2014

Winter Wonders

A Look at What’s Happening…

Thank you to all the parents/grandparents who volunteered for our skating day a couple weeks ago. Your help was greatly appreciated. Hope you can make it out again.

Shamrock Spirit Week (February 10-14)
The students are invited to dress up for the following days:
Monday- Jersey Day
Tuesday – Crazy Hair/Hat Day
Wednesday -  PJ Day
Thursday – Olympic Day (wear the Olympic Colours) & Play Day outside (PM)
Friday – Pink, Red and White Day

Valentine's Day
Please make sure that if your son or daughter chooses to give out Valentine cards they have one for each child in the class, as to avoid any hurt feelings. There are 19 students in our class. A class list of names was sent home Monday.

Report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 14th.  There is no formal interview schedule for this term. Interviews will be at the request of parents or teachers.

Winter Clothing
With winter weather and recess often comes wet clothing. If possible please put an extra pair of mittens and socks in your child’s backpack in case they get too wet during recess.

Classroom Items needed:  tissues
With the winter weather comes lots of sniffles…we are just about out of tissues for the class. Please send in a box if possible. Thank youJ

Skating Days - Thurs., Feb. 13th 10:00 - 11:00 am
100th Day of School – Fri., Feb. 14th
Report Cards  – Fri., Feb. 14th
Family Day – no school – Mon., Feb. 17th 
Field Trip – Mill of Kintail – Tues., Feb. 25


In Language we will be focusing on procedural writing (e.g., How to make a sandwich). In reading comprehension we will highlight the strategies of asking questions while reading and determining main ideas in a text. We will continue to introduce five new word wall words a week. Please review these words with your child and help them to recognize them quickly. These words are high frequency words which are found in many texts that the children read. In order to help them become fluent readers it is important that they are able to read these words by sight without having to try to sound them out. 

In Mathematics we will be exploring the attributes of three dimensional figures (e.g., sphere, cube). The students will also begin to recognize these shapes in the world around them (e.g., a party hat is a cone). Later in the month we will be learning to identify coins and using coins to count money up to 20 cents. The students will also be describing coins (e.g., state that a dime equals 10 cents, a quarter equals 25 cents).

In Science we will begin our new inquiry which will focus on living things. The students will come up with wonderings about the needs and characteristics of living things and investigate their wonderings throughout the unit.

In Music we continue to work on indentifying the beat and rhythm in different songs. We will also explore how music evokes different feelings within us.

The Grade 1 TeamJ

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